Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Busy busy busy

Gosh, it's hard to believe how busy one can get just like that. School started, it seemed like another easy breasy semester and then boom... assignments up the ying yang.

One of these days I'll actually have something funny happen to me that I can blog about that does not have to do with Photography. Maybe.

Until then ... check out my student website. I'll make a fancy flash one when I finish school but for now this is it.

Must go. Photoshop class today. Then 6 hours of studio time.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Advanced Lighting

The school brought in one of the top photographers from Vancouver to teach us advanced lighting techniques. Which would have been super cool if people hadn't talked all the way through the 4 days! I'm turning into one of those students... the ones the snap at the youngin's . Well... it was bound to happen one day.

Jan 5


Jan 6


Jan 7


Jan 8


Jan 9

When the going gets tough... (9/365)

Jan 10

Let me read your cards... (10/365)

I figure it's easier to upload them once a week. The guy from Vancouver has 3 intern positions for Western students in April and goddamn it, I want one!


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 4

This picture a day thing may be harder than I though...


Saturday, January 3, 2009

At work

3 /365

Ah work... does anyone actually like their work???? Anyone??


Friday, January 2, 2009

Hello 2009

Ah, the first new post of the new year. This is invariably the moment where one does the "New Years Resolution" Thing. A friend remarked the other day about how hostile people seem to New Year's Resolutions. It seems to me that the hostile ones are probably the ones who tried, failed and now want to poop on everyone else's parade. Well, this is my parade and only I can poop on it if I wish.

The reason people fail at NYR's is that they make them too broad or too life changing. You want lifestyle altering. Make that a goal, not a resolution. Yes, there is a difference. Goals are constant, attainable, subject to setbacks and ongoing. Resolutions require you to do something that moment and for evermore with no failing allowed.

Please. We're human. Thus, we fail.

So my ongoing goals of being healthier, school, work etc are something I discuss ongoing with my mentors. Resolutions, I figure, for me are a little different. Just changing a small outlook on life.

1. Don't take out the Ipod so much.
There has been much said about living in the moment. But when you live in a bubble of music, then you fail to see moments around you and you fail to connect with those around you. Sure, they may be weird old men who think you are Japanese and want to take you for coffee and chase you through the mall... but really, if I had my ipod on I would have missed such a good story.

2. Take more pictures. Love your camera more.
That is the resolution. The goal attached to it is my 365 project. One photo everyday, for one year. I started on the first.
Jan 1 , 2009

Jan 2, 2009

3. Don't say no to opportunities to have more fun.
I don't think I need to explain this one.

So, hello 2009. I think you may be bound to be an interesting year.
