Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

Ah, 2008. Another year gone. Another year gone too fast.

It's always interesting writing a year introspective. It's like opening a present... you never know what you will find underneath the layers.

This has been the first year in a long time where I haven't moved, or traveled. The story of my life for the last few years has been movement. Going here and there. I never knew exactly what the next month would hold. But this year, except for a few trips up the island and to the mainland, has been here in Victoria. Stationary. This was the year of goals.

Ever since I graduated from University I have gone by whim. Applying for jobs, moving cities and countries, trips, parties... it has all been with whatever my mood was at the time. Even when I got stuck as it were, it was because of my attitude at the time.

But this year, I made goals. I credit my mentor group. I highly recommend mentor groups. They are extremely motivating if for no other reason than you do things because you don't want to look like an idiot or lazy in front of other people. I am pretty proud to say that I accomplished most of my goals this year.

1/ School.
After waffling for quite awhile, I finally decided to leave the boring office job (somewhat, for I can't afford to be jobless) and go back to school. And not just school in general. I decided to go back to be a photographer, a long unrealized life ambition. It hasn't been easy and there have certainly moments when I have wanted to give up. School is hard to go back to, especially when you are used to having money and then suddenly, having none. I am now a mature student and hanging out with 18 years sure can make a girl feel old. But overall, it has been a totally rewarding experience. Challenging. It is amazing how much I have learned.

2/ Dance
You think I would have always done this. I certainly have danced around my apartment enough. But it was finally this year that I realized that I would never go to the gym and if I was going to do the workout thing, it was going to have to be doing something I enjoyed. So I signed up for belly dance and flamenco lessons. I'm not a natural dancer but I work hard and I enjoy it like nothing else I have ever done. It is rewarding because you can feel yourself getting better.

3/ Volunteer
I've had to quit for the time being because of school but for 6 months, I volunteered with immigrants learning English as a second language. Simply put, the funniest people I have ever met. And nothing will give you a new perspective on your culture than from immigrants. I can't wait until I have time to do it again.

4/ Health
This is ongoing but I'm trying to eat better and take better care of myself. But some weeks are good and some are bad. But my group makes sure that it is always on my mind.

The only goal I set that I never accomplished is taking French classes. I did try but the class didn't run because of a lack of students. I figure, I've done pretty well with the other goals... one undone isn't too bad.

It's been an interesting year. My years in Japan were so big just because of the personal growth. It's not something that can be measured but being challenged on a daily basis does good things for a person. This year, I don't think I've grown that much. It's been more of a take stock year. But I know one thing for certain. My gypsy tendencies have not gone away. I long to leave again.

It's just a matter of figuring out how to make it happen.

I'm planning a quiet night to celebrate 2008. I don't go out for New Years anymore. It feels too contrived. Fun is only fun when it is spontaneous, not forced. So, I will stay at home and wait for 2009. New start. New goals. New outlook. New motivation. And perhaps, somewhere in the future, new locale. Only time can tell.

Happy New Year.

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