Monday, May 18, 2009


I've been super busy.

School has ended and I am facing portfolio. It is a bit scary as if you don't pass portfolio you don't get your diploma. And portfolio is judged by three people who don't know you. Basically, your photos speak for you. Which is cool but also makes my knees quake.

I have done 9 shoots in the last 3 days. I'm exhausted. So last night Jason persuades me to go out. Which is fine. I had had about a bottle of wine already by myself so I was okay to go out.

So we head to Soprano's, where Jason's sister works. The place is ... strange. It is a karaoke bar and it is full of older people. A guy from work's band was playing. They are called Oh Snap. I did their press pictures.

The night was clicking along as all nights out drinking click along. Drink, have small talk with your friends and people watch. Then this dude sits down. I'm putting him about 50ish. First Nations. He proceeds to have a long conversation with Jason. Then, just as he was leaving.... he leans over to talk to me. Grabs my hand in a homey grip (you know... thumbs intertwined). Tells me that minorities need to stick together.


A little while later he finds me again. Puts his arm around my shoulders and tells me that I am a hot woman. Which is nice enough but dude... you are not going to kiss me. Seriously. No. Ew.

I had to perform the under the arm maneouver. You know... where you duck under the guys arm to get away from him.

Then Ashlea told him to leave her friends alone.

It's always interesting when you go out....


1 comment:

Nadine said...

I thoroughly enjoyed that.