Monday, June 29, 2009

Funky Times

I haven’t post in a while. Actually, that seems to be the running theme of this blog. I used to be on the ball per say but after being home for two years, I’ve come to the point that I just don’t think my life is that interesting anymore. Or maybe it’s just that I’m in a bad mood lately. One of the two.

School finished on the 10th and it was a mix of emotions. Portfolio was way more stressful than I anticipated (and more expensive - $500 for 13 photographs and a book). So, I was happy to be done. But in a way, I was also sad. It was a great year that pushed me in ways that I never would have imagined.

A week later and I was in my program manager’s office to find out if I passed or not. I had pretty much convinced myself that I failed. I suppose that is a force of habit. Can’t be disappointed if you are a pessimist. But, I had passed. I didn’t get the greatest grade but really, photography is subjective. That’s what I keep telling myself anyways. I haven’t had the urge to look at the judge’s comments as of yet. You can view my portfolio on my professional blog . I will have them up on my website soon but websites take so much more time than blogs to look pretty. Even one that is a template like mine.

So, yes I’ve graduated. For the third time. And now I am in a complete funk. As I sat and stared at the ceiling yesterday, it dawned on me that I am not good with change. Well, to be more accurate, I am not good with change that I did not initiate. When I decide change needs to be done, it is fantastic. But when someone else pulls the strings on me… deep and utter funk.
It’s a good thing that this is the year of yes otherwise I probably would only leave my house for work. Did I ever mention the year of yes? I decided as one of my 2009 goals that when someone invited me out to an event or whatever, I would go no matter what. If I went and it wasn’t my scene, I could definitely leave but I had to at least go. And thus, I’ve gone to some strange things over the last few months.

Where was I going with all this? Except for the photography classes I have been teaching, I haven’t really picked up my camera since I finished my portfolio. Which is bad. Which is why I’m going to give my 365 project another go.

On another note, I’m a bit creeped out by how much the planets align for me. When I returned how from Japan, there just happened to be a position at my best friend’s company starting within a week of me looking for a job. And there just happened to be a cheap apartment available the day before I was to start work. When I decided to go to photography school, there just happened to be a part time position that worked perfectly with my school schedule. And finally, just as I was starting to freak about working this part time position because of a total lack of money, a position in my old department opened up. Before I knew it, I was signing a contract.


One final story before I leave work. Oh yeah, writing blogs at work. So productive. I went to a bar on Friday night to watch a friend’s band. All the people I went abandoned me for a smoke break (when did I become friends with smokers?). I’m playing with my cell phone. And this old dude (who I have my back to) tries to start up a conversation with “konnichiwa”. Seriously. SERIOUSLY! Does that sh*t even work?

Meh. If I was in a better mood I’d probably think it was hilarious. As it stands, meh.


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