Sunday, December 23, 2007

What a week!

I haven't blogged in awhile. First I was too busy and then I was too hurt.

Last weekend I went to Nanaimo. Hung out with the girls. Friday night they held an open house. Friends, friends, friends. I got made fun of massively because I had put amaretto and coke in my nalgene bottle and drank on the bus ride up. Some questions about whether I had taken the "short bus" up? I don't really know what that is supposed to mean, but seriously, the reason I drank was I had a record day for wires at work (104 opposed to my normal 25-40) and if I didn't drink, I was going to cry. I needed to get drunk. And drunk I got.

The next day my hangover and I went to help move Bonnie's friends. I have never seen people more in need of a purge. They had so much CRAP! And they were moving into a huge duplex, one side for each, that was three bedrooms on each side. Ridiculous. But we helped and all was fine.

The next day was SPA DAY! We went to the Kingfisher Resort and partook of the hydro spa. Heaven in cascading water. Tamara, Bonnie and I were in the first group and we had such a good time. First was a Swiss shower, that was followed by the Mineral Massage Pool, Waterfall Massage, Steam Cave, Glacial Waterfall (COLD COLD COLD) River Walk, Sea Mineral Soak and Tidal Baths. Amazing. If you can, I highly suggest this. We giggled and indulged in our inner girlieness.

After the spa, we headed over to the restaurant for lunch. Sat down, got informed that there was a buffet and to help ourselves. Oh My God. So much food, and to be more specific. so much smoked salmon! Amazing. After sitting down, we had to inquire about the price of the buffet. $22? Wow. We stuffed ourselves stupid. I mean stupid. I hurt.

The next morning I woke up and found my back hurt. Alot. Was it the spa? Isn't a spa supposed to make you feel better? It was really hard to get out of my chair at work. I found I was like mom, hobbling around. Day two was worse. I went home and laid on my bed. Mostly, because once I was down there, I couldn't get off. Back spasm are terrible. They make you feel so helpless, and really I am, as I don't live with anyone. Day three and it hurt to sit. I finally went up to the pharmacy and got muscle relaxants. I don't do medicine because I have a mental block about them. You would too, if one tried to kill you. (Penicillin, I was 1, I'm still not over it). The relaxants helped. I finally got to talk to my mom and she said that it took 2 days to throw out her back and most likely it was helping move that did it. Last time I'm helpful. Also, she told me it was at 27 that her back started going out. Oh goodie, another hereditary gem for me to look forward to.

Thursday saw me see Laura, who was home from Japan for the holidays. It was good and weird. Haven't seen her since July but what to say? Mostly spent the time NOT telling her things because I know secrets about people in Japan that I am not supposed to tell, especially to those that like to gossip. Why is that when you have a secret, its the one thing that wants to come spitting out of you?

I made it through to Friday and found myself on a bus back up island. I wasn't going to go to Rina's birthday party but I had spent 30 agonizing minutes in a jewelry store picking out her gift (in heels with a bad back, idiotic!) and I wanted to give it to her in person. Cathleena and Rob were there so got to have good times with them. They live in Australia now and I haven't seen Cathleena in an eon. I like to be the person away, it sucks when other people are.

At 6 am I was awoken by Alina. She had a 9 am flight from Victoria and she was dropping me off on the way there. But when we ventured outside... BLIZZARD! Seriously, when did the island decide that it liked snow? We don't do snow! Snow is for the rest of Canada. Alina drove, slowly but worriedly. Luckily, the snow hadn't hit the Malahat highway yet, so all was okay once we got that far. I came home and slept.

I'm doing a volunteer thing for work tonight and then tomorrow seeing a friend from Japan who is home for the holidays. Good times.

Happy Holidays.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Unexpected

I don't do Christmas.

It was a decision my sister and I reached a few years ago. And really, it makes perfect sense seeing as a) we aren't Christian and b) we have issues with mass consumerism. So we threw it all away. We don't buy presents and for the most part, we don't accept presents. We don't decorate. No tree is murdered for our sakes.

Most people seem shocked that we don't celebrate. But once we explain how un-stressful the season is, how we don't have to fight the crowds at the mall, how little money we spend in the month of December, we invariably get the response of "oh I wish my family could do that."

Nadine is a big advocate for the unexpected present. She likes to buy things just because, rather than massive corporation saying we have to buy things.

A few weeks ago, I got a text asking what I was doing this Sunday. Of course, my normal response of nothing sparked my sister into action mode. Suddenly I was ordered to head up island for the weekend.

I arrived on Friday evening to have drinks with a friend, mostly so I didn't have to take the 7:30 bus Saturday morning. My friends were surprised that I was in town, seeing as I'm scheduled to head up island for our spa day next weekend. But news of my sister having a surprise for me got them. Questions arose. What is it? Where are you going? Is it outdoors or indoors? Dude. It's a surprise. I don't know.

So, Nadine picked me up, and we were off to the first surprise. And it turned out to be a stage version of The Princess Bride by high school students. It was so cute, them trying to remember their lines. But seeing it was the Princess Bride, my favourite movie EVER, I really enjoyed it.

The second surprise was a concert. An African Drum and dancing jam session. It was awesome. Okay. Most of it was awesome. Some of it was weird and pretentious. Hippies seem to have this strange notion that because they don't shave their armpits or wash their hair that they have this validity, this we're better than the rest of you. It's fucking annoying. Seriously, poor hygiene does not give you moral superiority. And this is coming from a girl with hippie tendencies. It definitely does not mean that spinning dish clothes around on sticks shows that you are deep and arty.

However, the drumming and the African dancing was rad. Really earthy. There was a dude there that kept feeling the beat so much, that he just couldn't sit. He had to get up and groove. He clearly was a raver, because that's how he was dancing but it was amusing. He almost knocked over this baby who was wandering in the dancing mob. At one point he disappeared and when he reappeared he was wearing a different shirt. I guess the beat had sweat through the first shirt.

So that was my unexpected surprise. And much more satisfying than opening a meaningless nothing on Christmas morning.


Sunday, December 2, 2007

On work and such

When I grow up, I want to be a processor!

I seriously doubt anyone ever has thought that in the history of the world, but this is where I find myself. Four and half years out of university and a world away from the girl I was when I left Canada for Japan, this is my current life. Money comes in and I send it all around the world. I'd like to say it goes against everything I believe in, but that's a bit melodramatic. It definitely goes against what I want to be, but seeing as I don't know what that is yet... well, you get the picture.

I had my 3 month review the other day. Basically, they told me I was doing a good job. Yeah, course. I have way too much pride to do a crappy job. Then they asked the dreaded question. "Have you given thought to what you would like to do when you contract comes up?" Dude. I hadn't given thought to what I wanted to eat, let alone do next year. I panicked and told them that I would love to find another position at the company. Because let's face it, continuing to work for one company is cushy. It doesn't have the panic of looking for a new job. So I suppose we'll see.

I went to the work Christmas party on Friday night. I even wore a skirt. I haven't worn a skirt in 8 years. Japan did make a girl out of me. I came home indulging in my feminine side. I highly suspect that it will lose it's appeal soon. The work party was kind of lame. I didn't know hardly anyways as my department were all no shows. People dressed up, playing blackjack and such. Who the hell does a Bond gambling theme for a Christmas party? Oh yeah, people who deal with money! I ate and went home. Whatever.

The people I work with are cool though. Most are in the 20's and we talk about random stuff at work. We even went to a gig on a Wednesday night (Dragonette, they rocked). I got smoking drunk, yet seemed to be the only one who was peachy keen the next day. Again, my ability to hold my liquor comes in handy.

So basically, that's it. I work. I don't like the work, but I do it. I try to have a few laughs whilst doing it. So forgive me if I don't blog that often because... there aren't much things to say about wire payments.
