Sunday, December 23, 2007

What a week!

I haven't blogged in awhile. First I was too busy and then I was too hurt.

Last weekend I went to Nanaimo. Hung out with the girls. Friday night they held an open house. Friends, friends, friends. I got made fun of massively because I had put amaretto and coke in my nalgene bottle and drank on the bus ride up. Some questions about whether I had taken the "short bus" up? I don't really know what that is supposed to mean, but seriously, the reason I drank was I had a record day for wires at work (104 opposed to my normal 25-40) and if I didn't drink, I was going to cry. I needed to get drunk. And drunk I got.

The next day my hangover and I went to help move Bonnie's friends. I have never seen people more in need of a purge. They had so much CRAP! And they were moving into a huge duplex, one side for each, that was three bedrooms on each side. Ridiculous. But we helped and all was fine.

The next day was SPA DAY! We went to the Kingfisher Resort and partook of the hydro spa. Heaven in cascading water. Tamara, Bonnie and I were in the first group and we had such a good time. First was a Swiss shower, that was followed by the Mineral Massage Pool, Waterfall Massage, Steam Cave, Glacial Waterfall (COLD COLD COLD) River Walk, Sea Mineral Soak and Tidal Baths. Amazing. If you can, I highly suggest this. We giggled and indulged in our inner girlieness.

After the spa, we headed over to the restaurant for lunch. Sat down, got informed that there was a buffet and to help ourselves. Oh My God. So much food, and to be more specific. so much smoked salmon! Amazing. After sitting down, we had to inquire about the price of the buffet. $22? Wow. We stuffed ourselves stupid. I mean stupid. I hurt.

The next morning I woke up and found my back hurt. Alot. Was it the spa? Isn't a spa supposed to make you feel better? It was really hard to get out of my chair at work. I found I was like mom, hobbling around. Day two was worse. I went home and laid on my bed. Mostly, because once I was down there, I couldn't get off. Back spasm are terrible. They make you feel so helpless, and really I am, as I don't live with anyone. Day three and it hurt to sit. I finally went up to the pharmacy and got muscle relaxants. I don't do medicine because I have a mental block about them. You would too, if one tried to kill you. (Penicillin, I was 1, I'm still not over it). The relaxants helped. I finally got to talk to my mom and she said that it took 2 days to throw out her back and most likely it was helping move that did it. Last time I'm helpful. Also, she told me it was at 27 that her back started going out. Oh goodie, another hereditary gem for me to look forward to.

Thursday saw me see Laura, who was home from Japan for the holidays. It was good and weird. Haven't seen her since July but what to say? Mostly spent the time NOT telling her things because I know secrets about people in Japan that I am not supposed to tell, especially to those that like to gossip. Why is that when you have a secret, its the one thing that wants to come spitting out of you?

I made it through to Friday and found myself on a bus back up island. I wasn't going to go to Rina's birthday party but I had spent 30 agonizing minutes in a jewelry store picking out her gift (in heels with a bad back, idiotic!) and I wanted to give it to her in person. Cathleena and Rob were there so got to have good times with them. They live in Australia now and I haven't seen Cathleena in an eon. I like to be the person away, it sucks when other people are.

At 6 am I was awoken by Alina. She had a 9 am flight from Victoria and she was dropping me off on the way there. But when we ventured outside... BLIZZARD! Seriously, when did the island decide that it liked snow? We don't do snow! Snow is for the rest of Canada. Alina drove, slowly but worriedly. Luckily, the snow hadn't hit the Malahat highway yet, so all was okay once we got that far. I came home and slept.

I'm doing a volunteer thing for work tonight and then tomorrow seeing a friend from Japan who is home for the holidays. Good times.

Happy Holidays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shari! Glad to hear that you're back up and walking during this wonderful Wookie Life Day season. Things in Japan are going reasonably well here so far, and now that I'm outside Tokyo, this will be my second Brown Christmas of my life. Fortunately, my Jason, and Nathan (the apartment puker) will be joining me until New Year, so loneliness won't be an issue.

I can sympathize with the back thing though. My acute back pain came back again (right on time), only this time when I was conscious. Bending over to check my email, when (pop) down I went. I actually took a trip to the hospital this time for it, but you lucky dog, you got muscle relaxants. I just got pain killers. Anal pain killers... There's something wrong with this country.

Anyway, be well, and hopefully wee can catch up sometime soon! Take care of yourself!