Sunday, December 2, 2007

On work and such

When I grow up, I want to be a processor!

I seriously doubt anyone ever has thought that in the history of the world, but this is where I find myself. Four and half years out of university and a world away from the girl I was when I left Canada for Japan, this is my current life. Money comes in and I send it all around the world. I'd like to say it goes against everything I believe in, but that's a bit melodramatic. It definitely goes against what I want to be, but seeing as I don't know what that is yet... well, you get the picture.

I had my 3 month review the other day. Basically, they told me I was doing a good job. Yeah, course. I have way too much pride to do a crappy job. Then they asked the dreaded question. "Have you given thought to what you would like to do when you contract comes up?" Dude. I hadn't given thought to what I wanted to eat, let alone do next year. I panicked and told them that I would love to find another position at the company. Because let's face it, continuing to work for one company is cushy. It doesn't have the panic of looking for a new job. So I suppose we'll see.

I went to the work Christmas party on Friday night. I even wore a skirt. I haven't worn a skirt in 8 years. Japan did make a girl out of me. I came home indulging in my feminine side. I highly suspect that it will lose it's appeal soon. The work party was kind of lame. I didn't know hardly anyways as my department were all no shows. People dressed up, playing blackjack and such. Who the hell does a Bond gambling theme for a Christmas party? Oh yeah, people who deal with money! I ate and went home. Whatever.

The people I work with are cool though. Most are in the 20's and we talk about random stuff at work. We even went to a gig on a Wednesday night (Dragonette, they rocked). I got smoking drunk, yet seemed to be the only one who was peachy keen the next day. Again, my ability to hold my liquor comes in handy.

So basically, that's it. I work. I don't like the work, but I do it. I try to have a few laughs whilst doing it. So forgive me if I don't blog that often because... there aren't much things to say about wire payments.


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