Thursday, February 14, 2008


This week found me sitting in the board room signing my life away. Ok, it was just a contract for a permanent position. Payment processor specializing in exotics payments and EFT's. Exciting. Just like I always said when I was a little girl I wanted to do when I grew up.

Yes, that is sarcasm.

So, I don't have to worry about my job. And I've been told I can rent my apartment month to month, and have my name down for a bachelor place, that is in a killer location with cheap rent. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

So, I have a job, a place to crash, and my dance classes. I've emailed a bunch of places for volunteering. Who knew it would be harder than finding a job? I seem settled. Sure, I feel like everyone here is in competition for who has more, but what are you going to do?

I was telling my mom last night about my contract, complete with bonuses. Of course, she was happy. Her daughter, in the financial industry. For a mother who has worked at Credit Unions pretty much since she was 19, it seems right. For a daughter who would feel more comfortable in a hut in Africa, it seems scary.

And then my mom said the scariest words of all. "Well Shari, it seems with this job and apartment stuff, you seem settled. Permanent."

Freak. Me. Out. Permanent. Scariest word of them all...

I emailed the school in Africa a few minutes ago. Permanent and Shari just don't go together.


(I am happy about my job situation. Having steady paychecks with BENEFITS is something that takes the edge off of being here).

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