Sunday, March 2, 2008

Happy March

Funny how fast weeks can go. You blink and it's a new month. Where did the time go? I kind of miss being young when the weeks would stretch into the vastness. Now I blink and a month goes. Ack! It's a sign of becoming old isn't it?

So, I've been taking my dance classes, hanging out with friends and basically, that's it. I've been searching the Internet, waiting, hoping, wishing. I feel unsettled. Everyone I know has settled in for the long haul it seems, and yet, I flail about in my not knowing just what I want to do with my life.

I hate flailing.

As I walked home last night from a night of Wii at Jason and Stephen's, I decided on a course of action. Well.... sort of. I'm going to continue to do the research - and apply to everything and anything. The universe has always pushed me in the right directions. I took anthropology on a whim and it ended up being my major. I went to Japan to pay off student debt and it changed me as a person. Trust in the universe. It will show you the way.

That sounds a bit religious for an atheist such as I, but hey, it's better than the existential crisis that I have regularly.

I'm off for brunch with friends who are in town for the weekend. Lady Marmalade is the best restaurant in town. And with friends is the best way to pass a Sunday morning. The sun is shining.

I think the winter doldrums might finally be over... for the weather and for myself.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i want some sunshine....send some over here :)