Friday, April 11, 2008

The Trek

After work today, my boss suggested we go out for drinks. So 6 ladies did drinks at a restaurant, talking smack and boob jobs. You know, normally day at the office.

It was 6 pm when I headed home. I share a bathroom with several other women and today it was in use. The woman in there was either having an epic bath, or cleaning (cleaning... I really, really hope so.) but there was a major water flowing sound.

I've hung out with my sister too long. I used to be a tank. I could hold it for hours if necessary. But Nadine uses the bathroom consistently and now, so do I. I walked into my room (which is next to the bathroom) and realized I had to go so bad. And all I could hear was the water running. What a situation.

Before I even had time to think about how long I could hold it, my body had taken control. My shoes were on, keys in hand and I was out the door. I was halfway down the stairs before I realized where I was going. I live next to Beacon Hill Park. It's gorgeous. There is a bathroom in the middle of it. Beach Hill isn't as big as you are probably thinking, but it isn't as small as my mind pictured it at that moment.

I start walking. It's okay. Walking makes me feel like I don't need to go.Down the block, cross the road and I was in the park. Down the chip trail. Oh wait, walking makes me feel like I need to go so bad. See people feeding the ducks. Ducks making splashing noises. Oh geez.

Maneuvered through the playground, dodging blond children on bikes spouting what sounded like Swedish. At this point I can see the building. Pick up the pace. Oh crap, it's not the bathroom, it's a building that appears to have no doors. The bathroom is the next building. Around the flower bed, by the fountains (not just one stream of water heaving into the air, but three, ack!) and finally the bathroom.

Praise be.

For a split second I thought the bathroom was closed, but it turned out just to have a heavy door.

Perhaps I should think about moving. But less than 400 bucks a month is unheard of in Victoria.

1 comment:

Nadine said...

Ha ha, that reminds me of the time when we were in the Czech Republic after we had really big beers and I think we were looking for the Kafka Museum and I was ripping through the park looking for a toilet. Apparently George was really impressed at the speed at which I am capable of walking when I really want to!