Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bruised Beyond Belief

On Friday work decided to have a volleyball game on top of a local pub. They have sand courts up there and what is funner than drinking and playing volleyball?

This was a practice round because we have been challenged by a local solar panel company to a game.

I went because I like volleyball and really, what else was I gonna do. Bonding with work people is good.

It started out nice. No rallies. Basically those of us on the court at that point weren't any good. I used to play but it has been 10 years since high school. If I used to be good (which I wasn't) then it has since leeched out of me into the abyss of non sport.

Then slowly, as more colleagues came, one by one, the players disappeared from the court and were replaced... by more hard core people. Suddenly I found that I had to actually concentrate and get the ball up for a second hit, not just send it over the net. It actually turned into a game. Gods forbid.

I could see it coming. It was an actual spike. I moved into position and actually returned it. But I did it slightly wrong. I caught it only on my right arm. All I could think afterwards was "ow, ow, ow." Actually, that's all I said afterwards.

When I finally hauled my ass off the court, I could see a bunch of tiny veins had been burst in my arms. Well, that happens when you haven't played in a while.

Some of us went out for drinks afterwards. My arms were aching a tad but not much so I thought nothing of it.

Went home that night, took off my hoodie and there it was. A bruise the size of a fist on my right arm. Purple, pink, green and yellow. It looked like someone had beat me.

So, 5 days later it is slowly fading. But now it is mostly yellow. And I look seriously diseased.

Thanks work. You made me look diseased.


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