Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I admit it. I'm an Indiana Jones nut. I once had a hamster named Indy. He was an escape artist, able to push his whole cage away from the wall in order to escape. I named him well. I once found him, after having escaped his cage, in the cat's food dish, stuffing his face. He lived for danger.

I might have also gone in anthropology with a vague notion of wearing a fedora and crawling through ancient ruins deep in some jungle. This was promptly stomped on by my first anthropology prof who, in Archeology 200, announced the first day that "anyone who thinks they are going to be Indiana Jones might as well park their whip". Another dream crushed.

But I wasn't sure about another movie. The trilogy is perfect. Why mess with such a wonderful thing? But seeing as they were hell bent on it, I was willing to give it a chance.

So last night, my mom and I went. I had read reviews that people said they thought the storyline crazy and such. But come on.... were any of the previous movies plausible? The second one featured a crazy priest who would pull people's still beating hearts out of their chests and eat it while the person looked on.

The movie was campy, cheesy, and pure Indiana Jones. I enjoyed it. I think I will enjoy it even more with subsequent viewings... which if my past viewings of the first three are any indication, there will be many subsequent viewings.

Anyways, enjoy this tribute.


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