Monday, September 29, 2008

Custom Heist

Ah, the great Custom Heist. Here's the lowdown.

I went to work on Sunday. I do projects now for the online division. I work on the weekends in the wee hours of the morning. Okay, so 7-3 but that's the wee hours for me.

I went to work. Whipped through the project like no one's business (I'm stupidly productive when I put my mind to it). Left at 10 am. Went home and had a nap.

No big deal. Typical Sunday.

Except that it wasn't.

At 3 pm Jason calls me. Am I still at work? Nope, why? Because a former employee has broken into Custom House, and is currently on top of the building threatening destruction. Apparently he had gotten in at 11:30 am. I missed the drama by an hour and a half. Which is fine. If I had been there I probably would have been involved all day, Police reports, blah blah blah. But, because I had been so productive, I was at home when I got the call and thus, could head back downtown with my camera.

The police had roped off about 4 blocks of downtown Victoria. However, unlike most countries where the thought of a possible bomb would make people scatter, Canadians gather in potential descructive locals. The police had a tape across Fort street and that's where I headed. The crowd was thick as you could actually see John on top of the building from this location.

I pulled out my camera and my big lens (70-200 mm telephoto). Normally when crowds gather I can't get to the front. People guard their positions. But with my big lens, the crowds parted and I was ushered to the police tape. It was almost like.... I ... was.... legit. Ha!

I made friends with some press people. Not much was going on because at this point, he had been up there for 4 hours. The main point of his being up there was for his website where he accused top executives of money laundering. Riiiigggghhhhttt, because who is the public going to believe, executive of a corporation located in 7 countries or a crazy man on top of a building who got fired ABOUT A YEAR AGO.

Eventually he gave up and I went to Beacon Hill park. The peacocks were nice enough to pose for me.

Crazy day.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Sha sha sha...

Hello Blog.

It's been a while. Well, a couple weeks as it were. I was doing well with updating but you know that I went back to school, and I'm sorry to say but school takes preference over you. I know it hurts but it's the truth. I know you have been with me for almost 3 years but this is it. You will have to get used to less contact I suppose.

What can I tell you?

I'd love to tell you that school has been awesome thus far. It has been good, yes. But awesome. No, not quite. See, here's the thing. The first week was okay. It was speeches but only by the owner dude. The owner dude is a business man and seriously needs to take some toast masters speech classes. Put 60 students in a room with no ventilation and a man with no personality in his speeches. ZZzzzzz.

Week 2 was better. We had a our first few computer classes which were just as boring. There is an older lady in my class who is certainly NOT computer literate. I mean, she knows how to turn it on and use the basic functions, which is more than some people know. But, come on, not knowing what a jump drive is? An external hard drive? How to load a program? She better hopes she rocks the photography classes because she is going to be left in the dust once we start Photoshop. Unfortunately for me, and fortunately for her, she has decided to sit next to me. If she was sitting next to the techno dudes in the back, they would speak in jargon too high for her. But lucky, she is sitting next to the ex-ESL teacher who has a tiny bit of knowledge about computers. I don't know everything but I know enough to understand everything thus far in class, and I know enough to explain it in simple terms. The other day I explained the difference between uploading and downloading on the internet to her. Yes, I know. I'm a bloody saint Blog. A bloody nice saint.

The first assignment in Composition and Design was to use a photo booth to create gestalt principles. I did a recreation of getting ready for flamenco dance. It went okay. I got okay feedback and in the end received a 7/10. Strangely, the first attempt I did which was abstract and in my own words was "yuck, yuck," got a more positive reaction from the teacher today at my one on one critique. I suppose I need to let my artistic side out more to play. She is kept hidden and only let out when there is jewelry to be made. Otherwise, my analytic side finds her embarrassing.

I think the hardest class for the time being will be fundamentals. Mitch went over aperture and shutter speed on Thursday this week and I thought I had it. Field trip time and it turns out I have them backwards. I really need to wrap my head around these things... just need time.

I have done half the assignment on aperture and shutter speed. Got Jason and Stephen to make their dog run back and forth in the backyard. I think the effect is pretty cool.

This is a slow shutter speed. Dog is too fast to catch.

Fast shutter speed captures it.

So blog, that's it. I think I may kill myself this year. School complete with projects, work, dance classes (even more than last year) and trying to have a social life. Here goes nothing.

Forgive me if I forget about you for a while. I will always come back. Promise :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

This is me

I have been eating far too much cake for breakfast. Yes, birthday cake but still...

I also have a serious addiction to rearranging furniture. I think something is wrong with me. Instead of doing homework I just rearranged my entire apartment. All 200 feet of it!


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Another year gone

Today is my 28th birthday.

I'm mighty pleased with myself as I have not sunk into a black state this year. I have no wallowed in my own inevitable doom. There has been no counting the years til I die.

A good birthday.

Sure, the gray hair seems to be a standard thing now, no matter how much I pull it out. Sure, my back is starting to fail on me. Sure, I'm starting to wake up earlier and earlier.

I spent the weekend in Nanaimo. Made pickles with Dad and Tammy. Had drinks and karaoke with the girls. Had dinner with Mom.

I always feel the notion at this point in the year to summarize, to ponder. This year, I don't feel like it.

I feel fulfilled.

I think its directly related to going back to school. I feel motivated. Hell, even though I am a mature student, I feel like things are happening.

Besides, 28 ain't old. Unless you compare me to my 6 month old brother. But that's okay. I wouldn't change my 28 years for all the rides in the jolly jumper there were.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Off to school I go...

I'm off to school today. And I think I feel as giddy as a 6 year old headed for grade 1.
