Monday, September 22, 2008

Sha sha sha...

Hello Blog.

It's been a while. Well, a couple weeks as it were. I was doing well with updating but you know that I went back to school, and I'm sorry to say but school takes preference over you. I know it hurts but it's the truth. I know you have been with me for almost 3 years but this is it. You will have to get used to less contact I suppose.

What can I tell you?

I'd love to tell you that school has been awesome thus far. It has been good, yes. But awesome. No, not quite. See, here's the thing. The first week was okay. It was speeches but only by the owner dude. The owner dude is a business man and seriously needs to take some toast masters speech classes. Put 60 students in a room with no ventilation and a man with no personality in his speeches. ZZzzzzz.

Week 2 was better. We had a our first few computer classes which were just as boring. There is an older lady in my class who is certainly NOT computer literate. I mean, she knows how to turn it on and use the basic functions, which is more than some people know. But, come on, not knowing what a jump drive is? An external hard drive? How to load a program? She better hopes she rocks the photography classes because she is going to be left in the dust once we start Photoshop. Unfortunately for me, and fortunately for her, she has decided to sit next to me. If she was sitting next to the techno dudes in the back, they would speak in jargon too high for her. But lucky, she is sitting next to the ex-ESL teacher who has a tiny bit of knowledge about computers. I don't know everything but I know enough to understand everything thus far in class, and I know enough to explain it in simple terms. The other day I explained the difference between uploading and downloading on the internet to her. Yes, I know. I'm a bloody saint Blog. A bloody nice saint.

The first assignment in Composition and Design was to use a photo booth to create gestalt principles. I did a recreation of getting ready for flamenco dance. It went okay. I got okay feedback and in the end received a 7/10. Strangely, the first attempt I did which was abstract and in my own words was "yuck, yuck," got a more positive reaction from the teacher today at my one on one critique. I suppose I need to let my artistic side out more to play. She is kept hidden and only let out when there is jewelry to be made. Otherwise, my analytic side finds her embarrassing.

I think the hardest class for the time being will be fundamentals. Mitch went over aperture and shutter speed on Thursday this week and I thought I had it. Field trip time and it turns out I have them backwards. I really need to wrap my head around these things... just need time.

I have done half the assignment on aperture and shutter speed. Got Jason and Stephen to make their dog run back and forth in the backyard. I think the effect is pretty cool.

This is a slow shutter speed. Dog is too fast to catch.

Fast shutter speed captures it.

So blog, that's it. I think I may kill myself this year. School complete with projects, work, dance classes (even more than last year) and trying to have a social life. Here goes nothing.

Forgive me if I forget about you for a while. I will always come back. Promise :)

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