Sunday, September 7, 2008

Another year gone

Today is my 28th birthday.

I'm mighty pleased with myself as I have not sunk into a black state this year. I have no wallowed in my own inevitable doom. There has been no counting the years til I die.

A good birthday.

Sure, the gray hair seems to be a standard thing now, no matter how much I pull it out. Sure, my back is starting to fail on me. Sure, I'm starting to wake up earlier and earlier.

I spent the weekend in Nanaimo. Made pickles with Dad and Tammy. Had drinks and karaoke with the girls. Had dinner with Mom.

I always feel the notion at this point in the year to summarize, to ponder. This year, I don't feel like it.

I feel fulfilled.

I think its directly related to going back to school. I feel motivated. Hell, even though I am a mature student, I feel like things are happening.

Besides, 28 ain't old. Unless you compare me to my 6 month old brother. But that's okay. I wouldn't change my 28 years for all the rides in the jolly jumper there were.


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