Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

It's tough. It's tough being a mature student in a world of 18 year olds. It's tough being a student and not making enough to pay rent and food on your pay cheques. It's tough trying to find balance between work, school and life.

Of course I'm being a bit melodramatic because I did have 2 double margaritas at dinner. Tequila makes me reflect. Most people it makes heave until their innards threaten to expel out of their bodies but for me tequila just makes me reflective.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm very grateful to be in school. There have been a few moments where I have thought" what the hell am I doing?" but I have those about everything and at this point in my life have to consider them normal. I'm certainly not the best photographer at school but I know I have improved by leaps and bounds from the beginning of September.

I'm also grateful that I do have a wonderful family and wonderful friends.

Yesterday I was supposed to be a Madonna. I always said that I would go to Madonna if she ever came to the west coast of Canada. The boys got tickets months ago and I said I would go. But I had to reconsider. Between school and money how was I going to have the time and money to go. So I told the boys to sell my tickets.


So, last night at 10:13 my phone rang. It was Stephen. I picked up and heard a bunch of sounds. Stephen didn't say anything. It took me a while to realize it but it was the concert I was hearing and more specifically, it was La Isle Bonita playing. My favourite Madonna song. Jason and Stephen knew I wanted to go so they did the next best thing. I couldn't really hear what was going on but that didn't matter.

In the end nothing really matters but the people in your life and the direction your life is going.



Nadine said...

You do realize that a few less double margaritas equal a Madonna ticket. It's hard to bitch about money seeing as you just drank it! Sheesh. And post the pictures from yesterday. I want to see some envy.

Name: Shari said...

Seeing as the 2 drinks cost 15 bucks, I hardly ever drink and the tickets alone to Madonna were 180 bucks... well... that's a lot of math.

Anonymous said...

Aww baybay puss. We tried. ;)