Wednesday, December 24, 2008

WARNING: Don't read if you are a big fan of Christmas

I woke up at 6am this morning. The dream had awoken me. The dream featured me getting into a fight with someone about how wasteful Christmas lights are. Apparently even in my dreams I can't stand Christmas.

5 years. I think it's been 5 years. 5 years ago the decision was made- no more presents. My sister and I decided that. We tend to make these alternate society decision together. We basically decided there was only 2 reasons to celebrate. One - religious. Us- so not religious. Two - mass consumerism. Yeah.... I'm so down with mass consumerism.

And with no more presents came a shift to December. Suddenly, there was no more stress. There was no more haunting the mall. There was no more worrying about the perfect present or if your present is nicer or crappier than the other persons.

I thought it was great. Christmas could just be about a nice dinner with the family. Except, you take away the presents, all of a sudden the whole thing about the season loses its luster. It becomes a caricature. Santa becomes a symbol for the over indulgence of our society and our trying to buy traditions with fancy paper and mounds of chocolate.

People call me a grinch. Fine. But seriously, all I can think is how can someone possibly want a real Christmas tree. With the global warming epidemic, why on earth would you cut down a emission fighting tree just so it can die slowly in your house gaudily covered with tinsel? And OMG the paper. Sure you recycle the paper, but the first R is reduce! And don't get me started on the amount of plastic bags used during this season.

I know people would argue with me and say that Christmas isn't about those things, that it is about family. I don't get that either. There are only two types of families at Christmas. First, there is the fabulous type that you just can't wait to see. So my question is why do you need a certain season to see these fabulous people? Why can't you be a family person all year long? The second is the I can't believe I have to spend another season with my family, they make me crazy. And my question to this is- why even freakin' bother? If you don't like the people, why on earth would you spend days with them when you don't have the excuse of escaping to work?

But don't worry, you can buy love. Just find that special gadget.

I also don't get the dinner but that isn't the environmental, anti consumer me. That is the vegatarian me. I won't get into it.

On this exciting note, I have decided to forgo family this year. No christmas. No family. No gifts. Sounds lovely. Basically, my parents are spending their holidays with their other families. I was invited but one is going to be filled with children spoiled beyond belief and the other family, well, would make me want to stick a knife in my eye.

I'm spending the day at my friend's. They will eat goat (I don't get it, but they are from Saskatchewan, and thus defy definition). I will drink. Sounds like a good way to pass the time.

And I've already decided. I'm spending next year somewhere that Christmas doesn't exist. Or maybe exists in a different fashion. For example, Christmas in Japan involves eating a strawberry topped white cake and then having sex.

Just saying...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Preach it to the masses sister!