Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Weekend

I'm not good at making friends. I admit it. It is a skill and one that I seriously need work on. But really, when one has had the same friends mostly, since high school... you don't work on it.

So I have my girls and we fondue. Yes, fondue. A big old pot of oil to fry food in. Yes, it makes your hair reek for days but you will suffer for greasy goodness.

Back in the day (aka 1999 ish) it was easy. There would be an event and we would fondue. Birthday? Fondue. A boring Saturday night? Fondue. Someone going or coming back from a trip? Fondue. (We tend to be the traveling type). It marks important occasions.

So, I came back from Japan. Kind of an important occasion. Six months before I even boarded the plane Tamara asked me if I was coming home. When the answer was yes, she immediately started on the fondue train. There isn't anything that girl wouldn't do for a little batter and cheese sauce.

It was decided. We would fondue. However, unlike when we were teenagers... we have lives. Work. Trips. Commitments. Significant others. Yee gawds, it's like we are adults.

Yes. I am shuddering.

Basically, it took three months to come up with a weekend, when once we used to plan it the day of. I hauled myself up island and thus we feasted. Then we had chocolate fountain. Yes, it is heaven in a fountain.

Friends and food. Is there any two words that go nicer together? If so, I have yet to find them. Except maybe travel and free.


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