Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

Ah, the holidays. Time for family, whether you like it or not.

I dislike this time of year. Why does there have to be a "time for family"? Shouldn't that be all year? Bah.

Anyways, went up to my mom's for the day. As I don't do the gift thing anymore, it was mostly for the cookies. Yes. Cookies. It is our tradition to decorate Christmas cookies. I have given up the presents, the tree, the songs, but gawd damn it, I'm not giving up my cookies. See where my priorities lie?

So, we woke up Christmas morning and decorated cookies. We have competitions to see who can decorate the best one. My sister takes this to mean the tackiest cookie. She sure is good at it. I've never seen gingerbread people with such luscious lips. This year she did the family.

Yes, my mom is the one with the big titties. Nadine gave me a sled, which apparently is the same thing as my lovely scooter in Greece. Why I'm wearing red hot pants is beyond me. Apparently my cookie self has more self esteem and less fashion sense than I do.

Dinner saw me in a house with a family that I didn't know and really, had nothing to say to. Nadine and Arne had left to go to Arne's family. That left me with my mom, Denis and Denis' family. Have you ever felt a conversation to be so mundane and uninteresting that you just can't bring yourself to even participate? Yeah. Fun times.

So, now the "holidays" are over. New Years has come and gone. I did nothing. No, it's not sad. After doing the same thing last year (because I was too tired, having come back from Thailand that day), I realized that it's just a day that is blown out of proportion. Not worth it.

2007 was a good year. Full of travel and personal growth. 2008 doesn't look promising so I need to get off my ass and do something about it. That's my New Year's resolution. And damn it, I will keep it.


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