Thursday, January 31, 2008

Good Riddance

Goodbye January. Never liked you much.

Today I was bored at work and found the bloggies, which are like the oscars of the blogosphere. Except that I can vote for them. And I did. I knew a few of them but the rest??? the one with the best name got my vote. I know people worked hard on their blogs but anyone who puts the word sass in their blog gets my vote.

Here's a list of things I'm thinking about:
To move or not to move?
Second job?
Buy a Wii?
If you pretend things aren't happening, does that in fact mean they are not happening?
Why doesn't my kitchen have an autoclean button?

Looks like they are going to keep me at work. Which should mean that I will get benefits. Dentist, here I come. As long as I can keep my wisdom teeth. I suspect they are the location of all my super powers.

I'm sleepy.

Have some Who's Line is it Anyways


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