Monday, January 21, 2008


January is typically a bad month for me. I have no idea why. Usually, January is pegged as the month of new beginnings. All I tend to feel is weighted down by stagnation and boredom. Yes, stagnation and boredom. Happy freakin’ New Year.

I am currently suffering badly from my disease – traveleritis. My symptoms include: staring out the window for large periods at a time, complete and utter boredom at work, wandering about town gaping at things like a tourist, and basically dissatisfaction with things in general.

I am trying to combat this disease with the best thing possible … activity. Yes, I have a tendency to hermit in my apartment but I’m trying to be good. I’ve signed up for classes.

Last Wednesday, I finally hauled my ass out of my apartment and went to my first Flamenco class. I’ve been thinking about it since I came home and voila, six months later I go. Timely.

It turns out Flamenco is super fun. All hips moving in circles, feet stomping and hands twirling in rhythmic motion. Fun. I’m not very good, but then again, I can’t expect to be good after one class right? At one point the teacher demonstrated a particular move that involves stepping forward with a very emphasized hip movement and arms overhead in a very Spanish flourish. “Come on girls, doesn’t that movement feel yummy?”

And you know what? It did. Yummy.

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