Monday, September 29, 2008

Custom Heist

Ah, the great Custom Heist. Here's the lowdown.

I went to work on Sunday. I do projects now for the online division. I work on the weekends in the wee hours of the morning. Okay, so 7-3 but that's the wee hours for me.

I went to work. Whipped through the project like no one's business (I'm stupidly productive when I put my mind to it). Left at 10 am. Went home and had a nap.

No big deal. Typical Sunday.

Except that it wasn't.

At 3 pm Jason calls me. Am I still at work? Nope, why? Because a former employee has broken into Custom House, and is currently on top of the building threatening destruction. Apparently he had gotten in at 11:30 am. I missed the drama by an hour and a half. Which is fine. If I had been there I probably would have been involved all day, Police reports, blah blah blah. But, because I had been so productive, I was at home when I got the call and thus, could head back downtown with my camera.

The police had roped off about 4 blocks of downtown Victoria. However, unlike most countries where the thought of a possible bomb would make people scatter, Canadians gather in potential descructive locals. The police had a tape across Fort street and that's where I headed. The crowd was thick as you could actually see John on top of the building from this location.

I pulled out my camera and my big lens (70-200 mm telephoto). Normally when crowds gather I can't get to the front. People guard their positions. But with my big lens, the crowds parted and I was ushered to the police tape. It was almost like.... I ... was.... legit. Ha!

I made friends with some press people. Not much was going on because at this point, he had been up there for 4 hours. The main point of his being up there was for his website where he accused top executives of money laundering. Riiiigggghhhhttt, because who is the public going to believe, executive of a corporation located in 7 countries or a crazy man on top of a building who got fired ABOUT A YEAR AGO.

Eventually he gave up and I went to Beacon Hill park. The peacocks were nice enough to pose for me.

Crazy day.



Anonymous said...

Hey Shari,

You are right to say "who is the public going to believe, executive of a corporation located in 7 countries or a crazy man on top of a building who got fired ABOUT A YEAR AGO." The answer is obvious we would all believe the company. Having said that, I used to work at Custom House and it was known fact that not only in Italy did they engage in corporate espionage to steal Travelex's branch in an illegal way, they have done the same elsewhere to get setup, even in Canada.

Cavanagh put up a stupid youtube video that got yanked but was trying to get the attention of the authorities, having initially tried to in a rational way.

I feel sorry for the guy and the only reason that lawsuits reached a standstill is that for the larger players, Custom House isn't worth the large legal fees as they are just too small a shop, all they do is have offices across time zones and run a revolving line of (high risk) credit to buy currency in 10M blocks.

You also need to question the fact that CH hired a law firm to do an independent investigation into the matter earlier and they came up with nothing... while on the payroll of CH! That's like a law firm working for Enron in 1999 and finding nothing wrong.

There are far more insidious dealings that have gone on there than most are aware, my only training manual was directly stolen from Travelex. And by the way, the Times-Colonist would not add any comments because Custom House is a big advertiser with them.

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