Monday, August 25, 2008

"For a girl with delusions and a bit of imagination, becoming a fag hag was the only way to go." ~Simon Doonan

My boys got married!

I arrived with Grant and Lola in Ladysmith on Friday, ready to set up for the big day. What we met were boys with a tad bit of nerves. I don't understand how it can be nerve racking to marry someone you've been with for 5 years, but most people don't understand how I think if I ever was to get married, city hall would do. Different strokes you know.

Jason had secretly flown out from London (UK, not Ontario), Stephen's best friend to be at the big day. It was shocking because secrets are impossible to keep for those two, because, well, Stephen is naturally suspicious and Jason naturally has a big mouth. Having Dean there made the event. Mostly because he organized that wedding party. Without him, I suppose, I would have had to do it.

There was only one major freak out. Which in the grand scheme of weddings is pretty decent. That involved the buckets that the white wine was supposed to go in. They had decals on them. They needed to be covered. So at the last possible minute, just moments before we had to jet to dress, the wedding party was covering the buckets in napkins and tulle. Except me. I was re-doing the place setting because one sister had done them like you would do the family dinner table and the chef sister wasn't having any of that.

We headed back to the B&B and set about purtying ourselves up. Grant and I sat and wrote our speeches. He went with sappy. I went with as funny as this girl could muster in the circumstances.

Hair was done by Lola whilst I sat on the toilet. Make up done. Dress on. Let's jet peeps.

We arrived in the house and then it all began. We were supposed to do the ceremony in the neighbour's yard but the weather did not want to cooperate. It started to pour. The guests were ushered into the dinner tent and we did it all on the dance floor. Matt played Across the Universe as we walked in through the rain.

I cried.

Just a little. Mostly because I've never seen my best friend looking so freakin' happy.

The ceremony was over in moments but was exactly as I would have pictured Jason's wedding, moving with just a touch of humour. Lovely.

Just as the ceremony ended the rain let up and a big gay rainbow filled the sky. If there was a god, I'd say that this wedding was blessed. As it was, I'd say it was ready to party!

We sat at the head table for maybe 5 minutes. Then it was on to mingling, drinking, mingling, drinking. I don't think I ever filled up my glass but it was never empty.

Speeches came next. I prephased mine by "I'm Shari, and I'm a tad drunk". Not bad huh? Never did claim to be a classy girl. I talked about how Jason had made each other do things. He got me drunk for the first time. I made him break up with his first girlfriend. (I may have even called her a skank). Then I told them how Stephen had come into Jason's life when he was probably at his lowest and when I returned, Jason was at his best, most productive, most happy. And that makes this girl happy in return.

Then it was onto busting a move. I may or may not have bailed on the dance floor. No one seems to remember it but me, so I'm not sure.

Then it was 2 in the morning and I was outside waiting for a car with Dean. We just looked at each other happily and drunkenly. Our best friends had gotten married.

The next day I was the only member of the wedding party left. I had to suck up my hangover and perform the opening the gift ritual of cleaning away paper and writing down who had given what.

Then the boys dropped me off at the bus stop and they were off on their honeymoon. I went home to drop. Weddings. Exhausting.

Exhausting but wonderful.


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