Friday, March 28, 2008


Hehehe, instead of typing Shangri-La into the beneficiary field on the wire I was processing this morning, I by accident typed Shari-La. I like it. It makes me feel posh.

Well, as posh as I can feel.

So, I've been home for 6 months. It's been a weird 6 months, trying to readjust to Canada and all that. It seems that I have alot of free time on my hands. I was trying to figure out what I did with all my time in Japan and I have only one answer - all you can drink. Oh nomihodai, how I miss you and your copious liquor.

Anyways, I decided that I would fill my time with some volunteer work. How nice of me. I somehow envisioned myself as a Pollyanna do-good-er with a sarcastic streak. Except... I couldn't find a position. Finding a job and a place to live were easier than finding a volunteer position.

I tried the museum first but they only had positions during the day, when the majority of us work sheesh. I tried the Y but they only want friends of people who work there it seems. No one else responded to my emails. I was about to give up, when finally the InterCultural Association called me and asked if I wanted to be a teacher's assistant in an ESL class (English as a Second Language).

Yesterday I went to my first class. I'm TAing for the level 4-5 which are the highest levels and man, these people don't really need to take classes. Sure, they aren't fluent, but then again, I sometimes wonder if I am either. I sat in a small room and one by one had conversations one on one with them. One is a housewife from Thailand, whose children were educated in New Zealand. One is a professional woman from Shanghai who wanted to stay in Shanghai but whose husband wanted to move to Canada. One Russian man basically wondered why I didn't have a husband yet (why is this question dogging me?). The Korean man told me about the lack of stars in Korea and how he was going camping this weekend.

I have never met so chatty people, and in their second language too. I hardly had to speak.

Not at all like teaching children, but I think I will enjoy my three hours a week.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

The City... full of clothing. I don't mean shops. I mean lying on the street.

On the way home, I noticed a jacket abandoned by the weird hospital place by my house. Also, near the bar, there was copious amounts of clothing in a trash can. I hate to say it, but you would think with the amount of homeless people that this city has, there wouldn't be free clothing just strewn about. I see it everywhere. Poor clothing.

The city is also full of stupid people, but every city is full of stupid people. I went to a concert tonight and I won't even get into it. Stupid people! Stupid people and barf everywhere. What a Saturday night.

I should go to bed.


Saturday, March 22, 2008


It's amazing the things you can see when you actually leave your apartment and go for a run.

Yes, a run! I know, shocking for me... but watching cheesy dance reality shows actually makes me go outside and do stuff.

Anyways, if I hadn't gone out today I wouldn't have seen the man on the bike pedaling through Beacon Hill Park. On first glance it was just a guy on a bike. When I looked back, I realized it was a man, a Canadian flag and a modified bike with a basket on the back that housed a medium sized dog. The dog was going for a ride, with the man being the chauffeur. I'm not entirely sure Fido there was into it.

If I hadn't gone out today, I wouldn't have seen the little boy who was using an overgrown willow as a fort. Nor would I have almost been mowed down by a terrier on a mission. I wouldn't have seen the two Asian exchange students hand their camera to a woman and then fling their arms about each others shoulders, with the Cascades in the backdrop. One day that photo will be shown to people back home saying "see, these were my days in Canada with one of my best friends." If I hadn't gone out today, I wouldn't have noticed that those boys were dressed more fashionable than I could ever hope to.

I wouldn't have seen the old couple sitting in companionable silence on a bench, looking out at the ocean. Or the herd of people at the petting zoo, more people than goats.

If I hadn't gone outside for the run today, I wouldn't sit here feeling better about myself.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I may not be a real girl

This weekend I went home. It was Dad's birthday and I hadn't seen Nathan yet. Plus, I hadn't seen my girls in eons.

So I went to Dad and Tammy's first. Nathan was sleeping so I just kind of looked. Is it just me, or do babies look fake? Like they are wax dolls? OK, maybe it is just me. The next morning, out came the quiet baby and before I could even blink, he was cradled in my arms.

Nathan is a bit weird. Doesn't like to open both eyes at the same time and looks pissed off most of the time. But then again, I'd be pissed off too... the womb sounds like a good deal.

There I sat with a baby in my arms. I looked down into his little face and... nothing. I've heard that women, when holding babies, feel all these maternal things deep inside. All I could think was "wow, nope. Not maternal."

I'm not into babies.

Went out with the girls for dinner. I'm finding it harder and harder to talk to them. I think it maybe because I don't see them often. It's that awkward small talk that I dislike so much. Maybe it's because they were talking about weddings.

I'm not into weddings.

At the end of dinner, I went to the bathroom. When I came back... they had decided to organize our 10 year reunion for high school. I was comfortable with the no reunion. I thought there wasn't going to be one. But no. There is. And my name was on the email that went out via facebook, so if I don't show, I will be one uber bitch.

Not into reunions.

I'm safely back in Victoria now, where I have my dancing, volunteering and single people. Things I am into.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Eric is pissing me off!

In September I walked into Rogers and got myself a new cell phone and a new cell number. Well, at least the cell is new. The number… hmmm…. clearly recycled in which the recycling just didn’t take.

I started to get text messages asking if this was Eric’s number. I ignored them as I figured that they would stop eventually.

But no. 6 months later and I’m still getting messages for this guy, both text and left on my voice mail.

“Hello Shari, this message is for Eric Green. This is a call for an audition. Could you please get him to call me back?”

Ohhhhhhhhh, so Eric is either a self absorbed actor or an absent minded musician. Perhaps that’s why he hasn’t told casting people that he has a different number.

A few months before that I got a call from a guy and lucky me, I actually answered it. He was looking for Eric. I told him that Eric didn’t have this phone anymore. He asked me if I had Eric’s new number (because we’re friends and all, pffftttt).

Wish I did have Eric’s number. He should be glad I don’t.

Eric had a birthday a few weeks ago. I know because his cousin texted me wishing Eric a happy birthday.

It could be worse. Nadine told me she gets texts saying “I want to lick your big sweaty balls”, Maybe it’s just me, but I would want to make sure I had the right number before sending something like that out.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

Simple Pleasure

Life is meant to be enjoyed, neh? It's easy to forget, it's easy to take for granted.

I was just reading one of my favourite blogs, Zen Habits, and it reminded me that we do need to take time to enjoy the little things. Even cliches. So here are some of mine.

  1. Ice cream.
  2. Long walks on beautiful days.
  3. Roisin Murphy on my Ipod.
  4. Sleeping late.
  5. Going to bed early.
  6. Heavy rain, to stay home, listen to as you read a book.
  7. Light rain to go and get drenched in.
  8. Long showers.
  9. A cat's purr
  10. Teriyaki salmon and green beans (my dinner tonight, yummmmm)
  11. Making cookies on Christmas eve.
  12. Dancing like maniac in my apartment.
  13. The moment the plane takes off.
  14. Talking with a friend until you fall asleep.
  15. Kurt Vonnegut books.
  16. Good pens and new notebooks.
  17. The Princess Bride.
  18. Standing by the ocean with the breeze making your hair fly.
  19. Gin and tonics.
  20. Sushi and green tea.
  21. Scrapbooks.
  22. Photo shoots with friends.
  23. The moment you pay off all debt.
  24. Plants with names (the one next to my computer is Bernard).
  25. Cherry blossoms to make you know that winter is over.
Life is good. Must remember that.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hello Nathan

...maybe. They haven't quite decided as of yet.

Almost 2 weeks past his due date, and Nathan finally decided to show himself. Perhaps he's a little shy. Maybe he's a tad lazy. Maybe he likes inertia. Maybe he's like my dad.

Tammy was going to be induced on Saturday the 8th. I told her last week that he'd be born on Friday, just to be difficult. And low and behold... I was right. I love when I'm right. The other thing that I hadn't thought of is that Friday was the 7th. I was born on Sept 7th. Nadine was born on Jan 7th. Guess Nathan knew that. Or something mystical. Blah blah blah. Easy for my dad to remember, all his kids born on the same number.

I guess I'll go see him next week.

I went shopping today. I'm trying to dress more grown up. So, I was changing in the change rooms when something white flashed on my head in the cold light. Oh my god. Grey hair! I've had grey hair for about 5 years but it's always been underneath were nobody could see it until I safely plucked it away. This one was... right... in ... my part. And very obvious against my dark hair and red highlights.

My brother was just born and I'm aging before my very eyes.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Spring, she is a-comin'

The sun was shining today.

The sun was shining and I felt spurred into action. I finally signed up for dance class, which means I can't "not feel" like going. I went and got a criminal check at the police station, as a follow up to my talking to the lady at the Inter-cultural Association. Yup, I'm going to teach English... for free. I cleaned my kitchen. Did laundry.

And, for the time being, I don't have to do the EFT shit at work.

What a freakin' good day.

Actual, the whole week has been good. A lady in my belly dance class complimented me on my isolations. My benefits kicked in. I had three meals either bought for me or made on Sunday.

My brother is going to be born this week. If he ain't here by Saturday, then the doctors are making him come.

If only the Canucks could win in overtime.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Happy March

Funny how fast weeks can go. You blink and it's a new month. Where did the time go? I kind of miss being young when the weeks would stretch into the vastness. Now I blink and a month goes. Ack! It's a sign of becoming old isn't it?

So, I've been taking my dance classes, hanging out with friends and basically, that's it. I've been searching the Internet, waiting, hoping, wishing. I feel unsettled. Everyone I know has settled in for the long haul it seems, and yet, I flail about in my not knowing just what I want to do with my life.

I hate flailing.

As I walked home last night from a night of Wii at Jason and Stephen's, I decided on a course of action. Well.... sort of. I'm going to continue to do the research - and apply to everything and anything. The universe has always pushed me in the right directions. I took anthropology on a whim and it ended up being my major. I went to Japan to pay off student debt and it changed me as a person. Trust in the universe. It will show you the way.

That sounds a bit religious for an atheist such as I, but hey, it's better than the existential crisis that I have regularly.

I'm off for brunch with friends who are in town for the weekend. Lady Marmalade is the best restaurant in town. And with friends is the best way to pass a Sunday morning. The sun is shining.

I think the winter doldrums might finally be over... for the weather and for myself.
