Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Brother o Brother

My whole life I felt like I was supposed to have a brother. I can't really explain it. Just a feeling I had. I even went so far as to concoct this whole story in my head that perhaps I had been a twin in the womb and that my twin had somehow mysteriously died without anyone even noticing that he existed.

Hey, I was 12 and have always had an overactive imagination.

But I only had a sister. My lil sis who is forever besting me at everything I do. It's not good for the ego I tell ya. Perhaps it is for the best. Big brothers (which is what I wanted) do gross things to little sisters growing up and taunted them endlessly. Well, my friend's brothers did. Horribly nicknames and endless farting incidents and always the excuse that the testosterone made them do it.

So, home I came from Japan and home I came to a big announcement. Dad's girlfriend is pregnant and due in February.

Once I had gotten over my shock, immediately it popped into my mind that it was going to be a boy. I like to think I'm psychic. The odds are actually on the female side because most of the Nakagawa boys have had girls. Dad had two girls. Girl births are more prevalent in society as it is. But let's face it... my feeling when I was 12ish clearly has more weight. Right?

Came home from Vancouver last weekend to an email from Dad. It's a boy.

A boy and only 27 years later than I had expected.

Tammy wants a Japanese middle name to match Dad, Nadine and me. She says I can pick it out. I'm currently leaning to Taiki but we'll see.


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