Sunday, October 21, 2007

Old Friends

It's funny how your memory can change them.

Sure, you don't see them for awhile and all you can remember, really, is their name. You add adjectives, fun, sweet, awesome... but really, what does it all mean?

In some cases, you forget their annoying traits. You forget that you, for the sake of your friendship, should only be in their company for a few hours. You forget that you like quiet time and they can't stop talking.

It's good that you are older. Where once you would have said something nasty, or rolled your eyes, you hold it in until bed when you can let out the huge sigh of annoyance. That's a sign of maturity, right? You remind yourself over and over that this person is your friend, just maybe... a tad on the noisy and self absorbed side.

Then there are some friends that in your head you know better than you actually do. There must be something to talk about.

Then there are some friends who you forget about. You forget about the long night chats via msn you used to have. You forget about the crazy ass pictures you took at DisneySea in Tokyo. You think as the commitments for the weekend add up, maybe I should postpone seeing this person. But you don't. When you see her round the corner at the mall, you feel the giddy rush of excitement. And you find as you chat, that nothing has changed. And that makes you so freakin' happy that you almost want to miss your ferry home.

Old friends. Our actions may speak louder than words, but our friends show the true depths of our characters - to ourselves.

Good weekend. But it's good to be back on my island.

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