Saturday, October 27, 2007

Weekends are for...

I love to sleep. It's a fact. Apparently even as a child I loved to sleep. If I don't want to, I don't get out of bed. What's the point?

In Japan the earliest I had to be at work was 10:30 and that suited me just fine. The other thing that suited me fine was doing karaoke until 6:00 am and then sleeping the next day away. I got back to Canada, got a job and shock upon shock... I had to be there at 8:00. AM! Oh the horror. I make it there in time but I'm not exactly happy.

This morning I woke. But I didn't open my eyes. I laid in bed and thought pleasant thoughts for as long as I could. Finally, I couldn't stand the tedium anymore. I cracked one eye. I shot a look at the clock. 9:00 am? That's my sleep in? Crap. I think I may actually be an adult now. You know, one who goes to bed at decent hour and wakes up before the sun has reached its zenith.

I'm 27 and I absolutely refuse to be an adult. I just wish my body would listen.

So, up I got and went down to Beacon Hill Park. I'm not exactly sure if I was going for a walk or a run. I kind of did both. Then I gave up on both those ideas and scrambled around on the rocks down at the ocean. Got some vitamin D into my bones.

So as I was making my way in Beacon Hill Park I stopped to smile at the squirrels. I love squirrels. They are mad. Flitting here and there. Love everything about them. Was looking at one climbing a tree when I glanced down and noticed one coming toward me. I figured, that since so many people use the park (British Columbians are outdoorsy!) that the squirrel was used to us and not afraid to get close.

Um. Yeah. Not afraid at all.

The squirrel came up to me. I sensed that he wanted a nut or something, the way he was eyeing my empty hand. Maybe to him it wasn't empty. Maybe it held all kinds of squirrel like possibilities. So he jumped.

Oh yeah, the squirrel tried to jump on me.

I let out a screech that was far, far too girlie. Luckily, I have cat like reflexes when I need them and that squirrel landed on the ground rather than my thigh which is what he was aiming for. He looked me. I looked at him. And I hightailed it out of there. Which really isn't fair, seeing as he's the one with the tail.

Attacked by a squirrel on a day when I couldn't sleep in. What is the world coming to?


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