Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Help! My nickname was attacked.

I was never a girl that liked nicknames. I found them endlessly embarrassing as a girl. Then again, my family had strange ones for each other. Lit? Snub? Blueberry? Seriously, our names are Nadine and Shari. Nadine likes to call me "lub" for reasons I will never understand.

Anyways, I grudgingly gave in sometime in high school and accepted although never loved, the nickname Share-bear. It all seemed a little to cutesy to me and I was never a cutesy girl in high school. Actually, I think I was more of a misery in high school. Maybe that's why I can remember very little of it.

Just before I left for Japan, Bonnie presented me with a share-bear. Not like the one here. Mine has a sundae on it, which apparently was changed to lollipops in 2002 because sharing sundaes spreads germs (or in Shari-land, we don't share sundaes because, well... get you own!). Share-bear sat on my bookshelf and reminded me in my darkest moments abroad, that I had friends back home, who loved me enough to call me a silly name after a cutesy doll.

I know. That last sentence makes me want to gag too.

The day before I was scheduled to leave Japan, I found myself at the local shopping mecca. I rounded a corner in one of the overly cute sections and found myself face to face with a share-bear bonanza. Before I knew it, I had a face cloth and a small stuff doll on a chain that is meant to be attached to your cell phone (why I don't know, seeing as it is bigger than today's cells). Sense finally came to me just before I reached the smiling Japanese girl at the counter and I talked myself out of the facecloth. After all, I'm not a child. I can make due with only the small plush right? Right?

So, big Share-bear lives on my shelf and small Share-bear lives on my purse. My travel buddy.

On Monday I went over to Jason and Stephen's for our weekly dinner and Heroes night (I love that show). Chillin' in the kitchen and talking. Good times. Until Jason went into the living room and I suddenly hear "Bishop... NO!"


Bishop is their Pomeranian. A Pomeranian living with 2 gay guys, who has a thing for purses.
By the time Jason found him, Bishop had discovered Share-bear Jr. and chewed.. the... ass.... off.
My nickname has had it's ass chewed off. What does that mean? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??

I guess Share-bear Jr and it's no bum will have to remain at home from this point forward. I mean, a girl can only take so many assaults on her nickname.


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